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January 14, 2018 at 1:03 am #10515
MemberAs anyone who has seen me play will probably know, I die a lot!
I thought I’d post my current build here and see what people could suggest to improve what I have so far:
STR: 14
DEX: 66
CON: 53
INT: 20
WIS: 15
CHA: 101x past life: Barbarian
Resistances = 15
PRR = 76
MRR = 18Feats: (all added because I can’t remember which I chose as I went along and which were automatically awarded)
Bow Strength
Defensive fighting
Dismiss Charm
Favored Enemy (aberration, Construct, Evil Outsider, Giant, Human, Undead)
Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Halfling Agility
Halfling Bravery
Halfling Keen Ears
Halfling Luck
Halfling Thrown Weapon Focus
Heroic Durability
Hide in Plain Sight
Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
Improved Heroic Durability
Improved Precise Shot
Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Wild Empathy
Magical Training
Point Blank Shot
Power Critical
Precise Shot
Rapid Shot
Shot on the Run
Small Size BonusEnhancements:
Arcane Archer:
Core: Arcane Archer, Morphic Arrows, Metalline Arrows, Aligned Arrows, Shadow Arrows, Mystical Archer
Tier One: Conjure Arrows, Corrosive Arrows, Awareness X3
Tier Two: Dispelling Shot X3, Force Arrows X3, Elemental Arrows
Tier Three: Soul Magic, Elemental Arrows, +1 DEX
Tier Four: Banishing Arrows, Smiting Arrows, +1 DEXDeepwood Stalker:
Core: Far Shot, Sneak Attack, Sniper Shot, Advanced Sneak Attack
Tier One: Favored Defense x3, Increased Empathy
Tier Two: Survivalist, Improved Weapon Finesse, Action Boost
Tier Three: Survivalist II, Thrill of the hunt x3, Favored Hunter x3, +1 DEX
Tier Four: Survivalist III, Killer x3, Merciful Shot, +1 DEX
Tier Five: Extra Favored Enemy, Heavy Draw, Strikes Light Lightning, Improved Archers FocusCurrent Items:
Eyes: Intricate Field Optics (Epic Hard)
Head: Astute Mask of Accuracy: (INT+ 6, Accuracy +11)
Neck: Soothing 20 Necklace of Devotion (Heal+20, Devotion +145)
Trinket: Legendary Symbol of the Slave Lords
Cloak: Legendary Mantle of Fury
Waist: Legendary Burnscar Sash
Right Finger: Legendary Five Rings (not yet upgraded)
Hands: Legendary Crumbling Gloves
Feet: Legendary Shadow’s Footsteps
Left Finger: none
Wrists: Disenchanted 9 Bracers of Fortification (Enchant Resistance+9, Fortification +127%)
Armour: +13 Corrosive 143 Celestial Leather of Healing Amplification 54Weapon:
Morninglords Longbow (using spines of the manticore Dex, reflex and ranged power rare filigrees)I’m hoping that there are some simple changes that I could make to allow me to be more useful/survive more and am open to suggestions!
If any more information is needed, let me know.
January 14, 2018 at 1:14 pm #10516catgov
MemberI’ll post my ranger’s current build later, maybe it will help you.
At a glance some of your ehancement choices are suboptimal, dispelling shot is utter garbage and any caster will hate you for using it (you dispel player debuffs on the boss not only his buffs).
Your MRR is too low, its scary. You need a sheltering item, any sheltering item.
What is your dodge?Your death issue is a playstyle issue, I didnt group with you much but you tend to be trigger happy and shoot before the melee people get in range sometimes. On a ranger you need to know when to dps and when to control fire. A dead ranger does no dps. Wait for people to get in range, if you get aggro, if you have two options, kill the target before it kills you or run to a melee and hope he can intimidate or help you kill it. Never stay behind a divine, if a ranged mob will shoot you, you can kill your divine and that person that is supposed to heal you will make a voodoo doll of you and stab it repeatedly with passion. These are some examples, you need to play a lot more often and perfect your own playstle that works for you and those you group with. If you need more advice, esp the sidestepping tehnique to avoid ranged damage or spells ask me in-game (you have my character names in my profile). There are some people in the guild that can shock you with how well they can avoid fire just with simple techniques like these (Mark – Annalt etc. is a master at dodging not only ranged but melee hits as well with controlled movement). In the end its up to you how you want to play, gear is important but 60% of the value is within you and how you act and react to situations.
Basic Boss Rotation:
Use Mark of the Hunted->Stack Archer’s Focus to 25->Activate Unbridled Fury->Activate Action Boost Melee/Ranged Power->Activate Manyshot-> after each autogranted Adrenaline Shot activate your Triggered Adrenaline Shot
Basic Rotation for other skills for burst damage: Activate Adrenaline Shot->Sniper Shot or Head Shot
Skill Priority Chain is: Aimed Shot if not moving->Sniper Shot->Head Shot->Merciful Shot->When these on CD use Inferno Shot and Shattermantle Shot-> If non-boss and you have aggro use Leg Shot (move it to top of the chain if so)
Stance Priority Chain:
Morphic Arrows/Metalline Arrows/Aligned Arrows to bypass DR otherwise Shadow Arrows
Corrosive Arrows 100% of the time, only use Banishing Arrows to debuff bosses with PRR, Smiting Arrows almost always go unused.
Always use Archer’s Focus until you get a hang of aggro mechanics, if you can get more than two mobs in a line use Improved Precise Shot, to hit more targets you will target the final mob in the line.
Here is Ant’s setup:
Antiochia D’Cyr
Level 20 Elf Ranger/10 Epic
1155 HP 954 SPPast Lifes: 1 Ranger
28 STR (10 base-B +5 tome – T, +13 items and effects – I&E)
76 DEX (20 B, +4 T, +38 I&E)
50 CON (12B, +5 T, +31 I&E)
33 INT (14 B, +2 T, +17 I&E)
32 WIS (12 B, +5 T, +15 I&E)
25 (8 B, +4 T, 13 I&E)27% dodge
258% Fortification
127 PRR
74 MRR90 Ranged Power Unbuffed (+2 Remnant Tome)
60% Doubleshot Unbuffed (/w Shadow Arrows Stance)
22% Ranged Attack Speed Bonus361 Elemental and Force Spellpower (No Remnant Tome ATM)
461 Positive SpellpowerSkills:
Balance Rank 11
Concentration Rank 10
Heal Rank 23
Hide Rank 23
Jump Rank 12
Listen Rank 6
Move Silently Rank 23
Search Rank 22
Spot Rank 23
Tumble Rank 6
UMD Rank 11(Old build I didnt LR yet – need higher INT tome to bother, with higher INT – tomes etc. Get Spellcraft MAXED, drop tumble to Rank 1, drop listen and Conc to get max otherwise)
(I will not bother to list autogranted feats for rangers)
L1 Dodge
L3 Least Dragonmark of Shadow (RP reasons, skip it)
L6 Mobility
L9 Point Blank Shot
L12 Precision
L15 Improved Critical Ranged
L18 Shoot on the Run
L21 Combat Archery
L24 Overwhelming Critical
L26 Epic Spellpower Positive (can switch for Acid)
L27 Blinding Speed
L28 Doubleshot
L29 Harbringer of Chaos
L30 Weapon Focus: Ranged Weapons and Scion of the Ethereal PlaneFavored Enemies:
Evil Outsider
GiantEnhancements here:
(Best combination I managed to come up with, thanks Arnt for the assistance)
Epic Destiny Setup:
Current Item Setup:
Current: Discerning Gaze (Goggles): Dodge +18%, Quality Dodge +4%, Quality Distant Diversion +6, Speed +30,+2 insightful wisdom augument, +8 wisdom augument
Best In Slot and Desired: Van Richten’s Spectacles – +20 Dexterity, +16 Reflex, +12 Doubleshot, +52 Magical Sheltering, +2 insightful wisdom augument, +8 wisdom augument
Legendary Executioner’s Helm: Insightful Deception +7/11, Relentless Fury, Seeker 17, Quality Combat Mastery +4, +8 charisma augument +2 ability reaper bonus, Set bonus
Slavers Legendary Chains – +17 Constitution, +28 Armor Piercing, Tendon Slice +14%, +4 Quality Constitution, +2 insightful constitution, Set Bonus +3 reaper power
Echo of Ravenkind – Eternal Holy Burst, True Seeing, +20 Constitution, Yellow Slot (+8 intelligence), Green Slot (+15 spellcraft),
Shadowhail Cloak – +22 Hide, +22 Move Silently, +16 Deception, Ghostly, Green Slot (+8 resistance), Silent Avenger Set
Legendary Braided Cutcord – +4% Quality Dodge, Blurry, +19 Dexterity, +4 Quality Dexterity, Green Slot (+250 SP), Silent Avenger Set
Legendary Ring of Prowess – (Ring) – Melee Power +8, Ranged Power +8, Deadly +14, Accuracy 28, +2 Good Luck
Legendary Band of Insightful Commands (Ring): Profane Well Rounded +2, Insightful Accuracy 13, Quality Deadly +4, Intimidate +22, Globe of True Imperial Blood
Crumbling Gloves – +9 Insightful Dexterity, +4 Quality Intelligence, +22 Shatter, +24 Insightful Physical Sheltering, Blue Slot (+8 STR – can skip and get something else)
Cannith Crafted Boots – +15% Dodge, +38 Sheltering, +7 Insightful Dodge, Colorless Slot (+20 vitality)
Mist-laden Vestment – 202% Fortification, +9 Parrying, +50 Physical Sheltering, +2 Profane Well Rounded. Green Slot (+40 False Life), Silent Avenger Set
Legendary Mystic Wrappings (Bracers): Potency +131, Quality Potency +32, Insightful Magical Sheltering +22, Quality Magical Sheltering +11, Green Slot (Draconic Soul Gem)
Main Hand:
Void, the Endless Cold – +!5 Enhancement Bonus, Frozen Aether, Chilling 9, Cold Vulnerability, Purple Slot (Deconstructor), Red Slot (Ruby of the Vampire Slayer)
Sentient Weapon Filigrees
+5 Ranged Power (Deadly Rain Rare)
+1 to hit and damage, +2 PRR (Deadly Rain Rare)
+2 critical confirmation rolls and damage, +2 PRR (Deadly Rain Rare)
+5 Ranged Power (Spines of the Manticore Rare)
+1 to hit and damage, +2 PRR (Spines of the Manticore Rare)
+1 to hit and damage, +2 PRR (The Long Shadow Rare)
+4 move silently and hide, +2 PRR (The Long Shadow Rare)Off Hand:
Epic Quiver of Alacrity: Concentration -50, Ranged Speed 30% Enhancement Bonus, Stealth Strike, Insightful Sneak Attack Bonus +4, Doubleshot 8%.
Token example of damage:
Hope it helps.
January 14, 2018 at 1:41 pm #10517Dave
MemberI think that I picked some of the enhancements just to use the points so that I could get to the higher ones.
I knowe my PRR and MRR are low, I’ve been slowly working on it, ask Lisa if you want a laugh at what they were at a short time ago!
My Dodge is 22%
A quick edit, just found a ring that has now increased my PRR to 91 and MRR to 33
January 15, 2018 at 9:19 am #10518Ryan
MemberHello Dave.
A very informative write up by Cat which pretty much covers everything you need to know.
A key part of grouping for me is knowing what the other people (and their alts) in the group can do so you can alter your playstyle accordingly – this is easy in Guild runs as we are all pretty much familiar with one another and the play styles.
When questing, if you’re not sure about who’s who, or who’s doing what role then feel free to ask at the start. If during the quest you arent sure about part of it then there will be people in group who can help.
If you get aggro by mistake dont run off – its a natural reaction to go full speed reverse when that Champ, who’s going to one shot you, has you in his sights.
The problem with doing this is that you’re running away from the people who can help you – be it CC, Instas, healing etc.
Instead, stay near the group. If someones timmying then they’ll pull aggro if its possible.
If CCs up or being used i.e. Divines using Cometfall, GC etc or Arcanes Webs, Discos, Tents etc then run through it. You may not shed aggro straight away but at the very least you’ll get some breathing space and give the group a chance to aggro the mob from you.
If grouping with me when Im on my main alt (Corazonroto) – I almost always use intimidate – unless there is a better tank in the group. Im also (when Im paying attention to whats going on) looking around for incoming mobs or Reapers. If you’re near me and you’ve pulled aggro and Ive seen it happen (or you let me know by voice), I’ll use PWS to buy you some time or try and dance them if you pass close.
Another benefit by staying close is that healing and CC is likely to be centred on the tank plus you’ll benefit from a chunk of temp HP from the aura of an auralock if ones present.
There will be times that you just cant shed aggro and times when you will be kiting on purpose.
For the former sometimes you just have to be prepared to take one for the team and die. Preferably, using voice so people can prepare, say you’re going to stop kiting, hit Rejuve, Uncanny Dodge and stop, block and diplo in the group – not right next to the Divine ofc. If you’re lucky you’ll survive – good luck with that if its Reaper Nerals 🙂 – otherwise theres always Rezzes.
For the latter – a prime example being the golems in the Ravenloft quests that we did. They cant be Timmy’d and I couldn’t hold aggro so we split 4/ 2 with one person acting primarily as a healer/ guster in each team.
Dont be concerned about dieing – everyone dies in quests. Sometimes its because of a mistake, sometimes its just unavoidable. The trick is to try and learn from it to reduce the chance of it happening again.
With experience you’ll soon be Furyshotting without a care in the world.
If possible get on comms as this is a great way to learn.
Apologies if you already know all of the above.
January 17, 2018 at 3:58 pm #10536Dave
MemberThanks for all of the advice, I’ve played around with my enhancements and am slowly improving my list of items as I find some better ones!
January 19, 2018 at 12:57 pm #10551Furiyen
MemberAggro management.
Gear and enhancements will take you so far, but learning how to handle your aggro or pass it on to others who can take the hits is the key here.
Plenty of advice in the thread, but if you see a lumbering Paladin heading your way to deal with the mob you aggroed, please don’t run away from him. He’ll assume you have decided to Martyr yourself for the cause so he can go back to protecting his other team mates (aka go back to AoE spam Dps on the main group of mobs 🙂 ).
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