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- This topic has 31 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 6 months ago by
August 12, 2013 at 7:09 pm #3322
MemberHello everyone since it was a request from a few guildies to go back to LoB // MA runs Legend and i have decided to add a few runs on our raiding nights .
People that will be joining those raids should post here for what Spirits they need from Lord Of Blades raid.Here are some links for Alchemical Crafting to help u decide what u Spirits u need and for which toon so u can post about it.
The 3 Forges that u need to use to Craft the Alchemicals :
http://ddowiki.com/page/Cannith_Binding_StationPeople will get priority on those spirits they post. So every spirit that drops will be up for roll straight away unless the person that got it already has posted and declared interest about it. This way people will be able to get the spirits they need fast so they can upgrade their weapons/shields efficiently.
Check out what u need to get for ur weapons and post about them here pls.
Blank Alchemical Weapons drop on Master Artificer Raid.
Spirits to upgrade them drop in LoB in Various Difficulties.
Any more questions about anything for Alchemical Crafting shout in guild or send me a tell ingame.WISHLIST
Spirit of Air :
Spirit of Fire: SsDualist
Spirit of Water: Durakh/
Spirit of Earth: Technophobe/Catgrim/Refined Spirit of Air: Sinaefay/Vyra-1/Technophobe/Phaurane/
Refined Spirit of Fire: Paistlin/Durakh/
Refined Spirit of Water: Paistlin/Catgrim/SsDualist/
Refined Spirit of Earth: Dentharr/Otnasug/Durakh/Exquisite Spirit of Air: Otinanai/Vyra-1/
Exquisite Spirit of Fire: Otinanai/
Exquisite Spirit of Water: Otinanai/Catgrim/SsDualist/Claramity
Exquisite Spirit of Earth: Otinanai/Otnasug/August 12, 2013 at 7:17 pm #3326Sinaefay
MemberDentharr needs a refined earth
Sinaefay needs a refined spirit of air, and an exquisite spirit of water.
Beldras needs (need to check)August 12, 2013 at 10:38 pm #3328otnasug
MemberOtinanai’s looking for a whatever exquisite spirit.
Otnasug’s looking for a refined earth and an exquisite earth (with lowest priority an exquisite fire). Also he’s looking for an alchemical greataxe.
Paistlin’s looking for refined water and fire.The list is a little bit ridiculous I think because of its length. Anyway I’m pretty confident when it comes to LoB (up to epic hard ofc) raid with all 3 of them toons fulfilling respectively their roles. 😀
August 13, 2013 at 5:49 am #3332Flavia
MemberThe Kender don’t needs anything.
Flavia don’t needs anything.
Gildana don’t need anything.
Mill needs ( need to check )
Laria needs a refined air.
Tenalafel needs ( need to check )I’ll look at what Alchemical weapons I have stored in bank too.
Also I have the following Alchemical blank in bank :
– Greatsword
– Shortbow
– Morningstar
– Heavy Shield
– ScepterEdited to add the relevant information
August 13, 2013 at 8:17 am #3335Ryan
MemberCan someone tell me how difficult these raids are to heal compared to EH FoT please(which Ive ran so many times now that it isnt difficult at all 🙂
If I start healing these, as there is nothing of interest for Nannabot loot wise all I woild ask for is a Alch Great Axe if one goes spare for Soultrax for when I get around to flagging him.
August 13, 2013 at 8:23 am #3336CaT
MemberUnfortunately only my CLR is flagged so would need to also flag FTR and WIZ (actually all my characters hehe). CLR has some ingredients but I am not sure which since I only played the raid 4 times a very long time ago.
I am not sure if I understand this particular crafting or if I am after the correct effects, so please let me know if something is usually more appropriate:
For melee I would do an Alchemical Greataxe with Material Flametouched plus the following martial effects T1 Earth (lots of CC coupled with the Rock Boots I usualy use at L20!), T2 Earth (reliable DPS from acid+disintegration that works on most) and T3 either Earth or Water (Will saves might be better nowadays for mobs at L20 considering evasive drows?). Advices?
Maybe I would also do a second Alchemical with T1+2 Air for the Stunning +10 and Doublestrike 6%, but so far I had mixed feelings about stuns in epics unless I go specifically for them (all the bonuses possible and max STR). LS is half-damage for drows most of the time I believe. Is this a useless combination except for wind stance monks?
For wizard Crystal Scepter with T1+2 Water and T3 Fire plus maybe another with Byeshk T1+2 Fire and T3 Air as some sort of pre-Twilight combination. Suggestions?
August 13, 2013 at 12:14 pm #3343Wish
MemberVy is after a T2+T3 air
Techno is after T1 Earth and T2 AirMay be worth mentioning if you are low on a ceratin type of power cell, bearing in mind you will need 7 per fully upgraded wep: 1 cannith for metal property, 3 greater cannith for each tier and 3 Martial/Mystical powercell (one of either per tier).
Imo, Cat caster sticks are not worth it anymore, they went from being the best in game to mediocre. Possibly a T1(ML 16) caster item to fill a spellpower gap whilst TRing, but otherwise it will be outstripped on every front by an item of higher lvl.
Time was that T1 earth was the best thing for a melee poky poky, not so sure about the chance now though with the inflated saves of mobs these days.
The saves aspect is also an element with the final tier as it is an aoe with a save. Considering that aoe is like the Sunburst+FB on Celesta: you can get aggro of mobs fairly quickly with a few explosions and that could be a dizaterous turn of events for your health which is why I am going for it on my Tank as she is more surviveable, but I am tad hesitant with the T3 air the Arti is sitting on.
Saves are: Earthgrab 33 Fort, Burst 39. That is reasonable for ES stuff, not quite viable or relibale for GH though. Freezing Ice is DC 35(T1 Water).P.P.S.
@ Cat your Rock Boots are DC 17 so only the inital proc with get most mobs, after that they are allmost garenteed to break free.August 13, 2013 at 3:46 pm #3347CaT
MemberThank you Wish for the feedback! 🙂
I believe that no one will use alchemical weaponry except in the L20-22 window since at L23 you have the CitW weaponry which is far better. For caster the sticks would merely help consolidate some things in a single slot since everything they have to offer can be fit somewhere else for sure and again Twilight is just too good to pass up.
I used Rock Boots in lower eH like Carnival chain going in solo and they did proced a couple of times which is satisfactory for me considering L20 is not the cap anymore. The guards on them are 2 by the way: Stone Prison Guard – 50% chance – fortitude DC17 with a recurring save every 25 seconds (high chance for them to roll a 1 which means they will be held for 25″) and also a Earth Grab Guard – 4% chance – reflex DC35 duration 6″ no save (fairly decent I would say).
Of course that later once I hit L23 (you could start using GH eN items at this point) I don’t expect them to fill any role, but this is why they are at T2 (BtA) so can go to another character to help during levelling. Well, this is part of my thinking process to use during levelling as much BtA gear as possible and have BtC only where it matters at cap 😀
What combination of weapons are you doing for your melees btw?
August 13, 2013 at 5:49 pm #3351Legend
MemberPhaurane – T1 regular – Air, T2 refined – Air
Durakh – T1 regular – Water, T2 refined – Earth or Fire, T3 Exquisite – Any bar Fire
Vambraan – Needs FlagAugust 13, 2013 at 6:03 pm #3352Wish
MemberVyra’s ‘Pesh atm is Flametouched iron with the first tier of earth, decided on having T” as air for doublestrike and lightning strike to help build hate a little, and T3 as air becasue that is a damage type that little has resistance to.
I dont particularly want to start other alchemical weps on other chars due to the large grind for spirits but as the arti is sitting on an exqusite air and I want an excuse to have her hold a cannith style repeater, but that is not melee 🙂
Have not looked at giving other melees weps since they were endgame shinys so a little iffy. For chars that do 2WF something like Fire/Fire/air and earth/earth/air are combos I have down from old equip plans. The first combo for seeker, bypassing good DR and the +2 Str The seccond for CC, the extra few hp, disint proc(No Save) and resonable DPS .
For a 2hander im not quite as sure. Possibly first tier earth would not be as usefull as fewer attacks than 2WF. Flametouched Fire/Water/Air would be a reasonable boss beater: seeker and the two DoT procs from Water T2 which I hear good things about.
August 14, 2013 at 5:23 am #3354Khaan
MemberLandrah needs 2 scimis
Lellwen needs 2 shortswordsI have barely done any runs on this so pretty much need all ingreds
August 14, 2013 at 6:36 am #3357CaT
MemberAwesome Wishie! I love the brainstorming 🙂
I actually thought in the beginning that max DPS is probably Flametouched Fire/Air/Air, but then Fire is not such a good element overall and while seeker +10 is definitively sweet it is only +4 vs the Ring of the Stalker who also has some other nice things on it.
So I went ahead and for T1 decided it is a toss between Air and Earth. For a monk I would have went Air for sure, but since I don’t find my stuns reliable I decided Earth would fit me best.
Now for T2 is very tricky since of course I would have preffered Air for LS and Doublestrike (at L20 I use Spare Hand which has 3% doublestrike but that is half of Alchemical), Fire for the added STR (Righteous not really needed because of Flametouched and Incineration is rather weak) or maybe more CON from Earth, but then you come and suggest Water. Of course it has some excellent DoTs so very good point.
At T3 I went for Water (Will save) since the other AoEs are Reflex or Fortitude saves which I believe will be saved pretty often in melee range.
In the end to spice things up I will do:
Catgrim (CLR – flagged!) – Flametouched Earth/Water/Water
Catpaw (FTR – not flagged yet!) – Flametouched Air/Air/Air
Catrush (ART – not flagged yet!) – Flametouched Earth/Air/Water
Catgrin (WIZ – not flagged yet!) – not flagged yet! – I have no idea since Wishie kind of turned my mood down hehe hope more would post ideas@Wishie Why do you say they are a grind? I was under the impression that if we pass around the spirits as needed we could actually do some weapons pretty fast. Spirits have a 50% drop chance for each player right? Of course luck is a factor 🙂
Now we also have to run MA or something since I don’t have any alchemical weapons except on my ART 😀 Plus I have to check what spirits I already have on my CLR. Might as well make a different combination to speed things up a bit.
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