- This topic has 10 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 9 months ago by
May 17, 2018 at 4:48 pm #11687
MemberHello all.
Edit added …feats changed
Ive been asked to post Corazons DC Necro Lock build
Fey for Disco Ball and Ottos Irristible Dance
Feats in order:
1) Maximise,
3) Empower,
6) Completionist,
9) Quicken,
12) SF Necro,
15) PL Wiz,
18) Spell Pen,
21) Blast,
24) Embolden,
26) Blast,
27) GSF Necro,
28) SP Light,
29) Arc Pulse,
30) Great Charisma if odd in Reaper otherwise ESF Necro
30) Scion of ShadowfellI have no Spell Pen issues except in Reaper Wachterhouse. Its possible I could drop my Pen feat and still be ok and take GSF Necro then Epic Necro later.
You can swap out 21 for Great Charisma if needed.
43 points in Souleater
31 points in Tainted Scholar
6 points in Racial (for my current life as scourge)Seven slot filigree set using
4 piece Ottos
3 CharismasL30 stats in Reaper off the top of my head:
109 Charisma (112 screen shot below)
1500 HPs + Feigned Health
150ish PRR
105 Necro DC
100ish other DCsI do have a lot of PLs to prop up this character (currently at 80 PLs) and I bolster my DCs and HPs with Reaper points (currently 25)
This is a DC build and not a damage build, so is great for Reaper grouping and soloing at R1 or R2. If you want a R3+ solo build then Auralock is the way to go due to the abundance of hit points.
Any questions then ask here or in game.
May 17, 2018 at 4:53 pm #11688Myror
MemberHow are you getting to 109 charisma? Do you have a breakdown for it?
May 17, 2018 at 4:56 pm #11689Ryan
MemberI dont have a breakdown – I just look on character sheet.
I can try and work it out next time I hit 30
May 17, 2018 at 5:05 pm #11690Ryan
MemberI just tried writing a break down and can only get to 102 so Im missing something lol
May 19, 2018 at 8:19 am #11699CaT
MemberIt’s not often that you witness something better in reality than on paper. Way to go Ryan! You show them how it’s done 😀
May 21, 2018 at 1:43 pm #11715Legend
MemberHi Ryan
Is there a reason why you are primarily SE, the top tree in TS will give you 3 more necro dc and 1 more to all others, as not really dps imo you don’t gain as much from SE tier 5 and capstone as TS.
Would also re-think the 2 Greater Charisma’s, 2 feats for +1 dc not really worth it, let the enhancements and destinies get you to an even number, GSF Necro and Epic GSF necro basically add equiv of +4 charisma for your chosen path, another route would be to go ESF Necro and Heighten, there are a few lower lvl necro spells like FOD that you will get +1 dc on and ofc +1 and more dc on all other spells like Evards.
Numbers are nice at mo though.
With a dc caster your gear set-up is just as important for build, maxxing certain items does not nessasarily mean highest dc as you might miss another combo that works better, I found this a lot with my Wiz, ie. i don’t use the +20 tome of Strahd, a +19 item actaully gives me more overall dc due to other items freed.
Would be interested to see your gear set-up for Necro too, would prob help others create too as slavers is must for any dc caster.
May 21, 2018 at 2:31 pm #11716Ryan
MemberEdit added… link didnt work d’oh
Second edit…..just looked at the Enhancements again and I believe you are onto something I clearly missed.
CheersThird edit…T5 spell focus doesnt seem to offer Necro as a choice, so going TS loses me FoD Sla, Devour the Soul SLA.
Am I missing something obvious (I am prone to this)Fourth Edit….gear set added
Cheers for the replies
Here is a screen pic I just took of my char sheet (if the link worked)
My unbuffed Charisma in Reaper is 106
In the pic Im also using
Supreme Ability pot – I have lots of these and they last an hour so I tend to think of this as permanent.
Bard songs
For a max Cha of 112
Necro is 105 with all the above
Enchant 98
Conj 96(give or take 1 – will check later)
I’ll have another look at my Enhancements to see whats what, but I do enjoy having FoD SLA, Devour the Soul and Eldritch wave is very nice. I take Great Charisma to bump my other DCs (I think I can afford to drop two G Charismas (-1 to off school DCs) for 2 extra Necro cheers)
There could be mileage in what you say as I still find 105 Necro to be short of no fail.
Helm – Hardened Hide (Draconic)
Neck – Chains (Res 14, FL 68, Heal 22, Qual PRR
Trink – 5 Rings (Qual Wis, SF 6, Rad 185, Wis 17)
Cloak – Mantle of Fury (FL 40)
Belt – Braided Cutcord (Striding 30)
Ring – Spinneret (Deathblock)
Boots – Softsoled (Fort)
Gloves – Innate Arcanum (Globe)
Ring – Skulled Ring (G Necro)
Bracers – Fallen Hero (Good Luck 2)
Armour – Mistladen (G Enchant)
Goggles – Summoners (G Conj)
Wep 1 – E Envenomed with 7 filigrees (used from L21)
Wep 2 – Nighmothers (Devotion)
Legendary Ice wep
May 21, 2018 at 3:30 pm #11717Legend
Memberyep, u right on the +2 necro dc from TS, not really worth changing if works.
have you got 5 slavers set for sorc? if not, i could try and help with a combo of slavers and mists which you have as would not want to lose, could lose goggles and presume e envenomed blade, perhaps helm, if you blast a lot then the Leg Ice is worth keeping, if you tend to hold and cast necro then prob not.
May 21, 2018 at 4:21 pm #11719Ryan
MemberI dont even have a Sorcs 3 piece as I lack the mats.
Cheers for the offer of help Leg. If you can see a better gear set then by all means suggest it.
Bear in mind I rarely raid, run slavers once in a blue moon and finally I am just a casual player and not really into R10 and hard grind on a regular basis :- )
Im not using my LGS ice from L29 as I cant fit it in.
Once I get another 7 slotter finished I put that in the night mother and use the LGS as well. Until then the only other way is if SSG starts selling an extra arm in store.May 21, 2018 at 5:00 pm #11720Legend
MemberWill have a look to try and get u MRR item and some force item and crit for Arcane Pulse, won’t go for slavers if don’t farm which gives more options, from your image document you only need some tweeking, build is very solid as is, def r10 capable.
U know u can transfer the e enven blade sentient jewel to your nightmother? would use sentient jewel on rares only and destroy the rest, let me know what u got currently as might have rares spare for you.
May 21, 2018 at 5:56 pm #11721Ryan
MemberI think my MRR is around 90 and my PRR is 160.
I think my filli set is all rares tbh ta.
I used to have my filli set in my Nightmothers but as I reincarnate all the time I get more mileage from being able to use it from L20.
Im working on my 6th slot for my second fillie at the mo’ so its only a matter of time.
I’ll give you a shout if I need any once its complete.
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