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    Hey guys, I just capped my assassin and was wondering what you good folks think I should get before I TR her. Luckily I had anticipated eventually running a Rogue of some sort so I had some good stuff waiting for her when she capped. Here is what i have, please let me know what you think i should be working toward getting before I begin my second life.

    1. Epic Dualist Leathers Tier III
    2. Epic Cutthroat Small blade Tier III
    3. Epic Spyglass Tier III
    4. Epic Rapier of Air Tier I (TierIII eventually)

    The first thing I am doing is going after an Epic Ring of the Stalker and the eMidnight Greetings.

    Any and all suggestions welcome.



    Not got an assassin, but a few items to consider would be:

    Not a must but the tod assassin set is nice with +2 Con, with the above and a decent Int you should kill most mobs in any epic quest.

    Upgraded Tinkers Set from Cannith is very nice.

    Epic Necklace of Venom, Epic Ravens Talons, Epic Envenomed Cloak,Epic Envonomed Blade,Golden Guile + Epic Golden Guile.

    A couple of Mournblade Light Maces or Warhammers for pesky Undead.

    Shroud GS hp item is a must too for any rogue, should aim for just above 400hp ideally.

    The only problem I have seen with these builds is damage vs bosses as these can have decent fort, crafting a few mob specific weapons can really help here such as Holy Burst of G EOB etc….


    My equip (but I have a long story back and many items I don’t want recraft or so…)

    Head: GS MinII
    Necklace: Conc Opp (Disease Imm + Great Regen)
    Belt: Assassin Tod Belt
    Goggle: Tharne goggle (True Seeing +15 Search/spot)
    Bracers: Epic Wind
    Ring 1: Assassin TOD ring (+2 Str)
    Ring 2: Epic Ring of Stalker
    Boots: Cannith Propulsion (but also Epic Dustless)
    Cloak: Epic Cloak of Night (and a +6 int skill for traps)
    Gloves: Epic Spectral Gloves / Seven Fingered Gloves / Titan Gloves
    Trinket: Epic Jerky (+toughness)
    Armor: DT (Res +5, Str +1, Tharne)
    Weapons: a lot of set (MinII, LS2… I think the more useful is the radiance and as legend said some weap for bosses and non-criticable mob –> undead (GS or cannith) and construct (smiting) )

    Actually I’m str based, but in past I was Dex based so all the equip fit more for dex- than str-based characters

    This isn’t the best, but you know I’m so noob…


    Weapon wise a rogue can use any weapon, but always rememer to make sure you got DR-breakers for those monsters who requires it (blunt for skeletons and liches, silver/good for pit fiends and horned devils, cold iron/good for demons, etc).

    Item wise, it all boils down to what you have access to. I’d rate a greensteel hp item as very high on the agenda, as hp is something all rogues can never have too much off. Several sets from the Red Fens are very nice for rogues, Greater Raven’s Eye (Goggles and gloves) and Greater Vulkoor’s Cunning (necklace and ring).


    Littletwig is wearing.

    Head: Min2 GS helmet
    Necklace: Golden Guile – Placeholder but a very nice one – Potential 2nd GS spot pending coming changes)
    Trinket: Treasure Hunters Spyglas
    Cloak: Cloak of Night
    Belt: Spare Hand
    Gloves: Tinkers Gloves
    Ring: Encrusted Ring with + healing amp – Not the prefered ring but I got impatient and slotted all the colourless so stuck with it for now
    Boots: Striding +25%, Jump + 7 and medium guild slot – Placeholder but I like the extra hp
    Ring: Ring of the Stalker
    Bracers: Bracers of the Wind
    Armor: Dualists Leathers
    Goggles: Tinkers Goggles

    With this setup he has the following things on equipment:

    Effects: Heavy Fortification : Imp. Deception : Ghostly : Invisibility Guard : Nightmare Guard : Riposte : Ex. Combat Mastery +5 : Doublestrike 3% : Staggering Blow : Healing Amp 20% : Seeker +8 : Sneak Attack +8 : Manslayer : Air Guard : Attack Bonus +2 : Feat: Mobility : Toughness : Treason : Dodge Bonus +10

    Stats: All +6, Ex. Int +2 : Ex, Str +1

    Skills: Spot +20 : Search +20 : Bluff +15 : Diplo +15 : Disable Device +20 : Open Lock +20 : UMD +6 : Jump +7 : Balance +15 :

    Spells: Protection +5 : Natural Armor +4 : True Seeing : Deathblock : Good Luck +2 : Greater False Life : Resistance +4 : Elec Resistance 10 : Striding +25%

    Littletwig is an old str build rogue who picked up the assassin PC when it came out… I will TR him “sometime soon” so he can get the intelligence to match his ambitions…

    Due to not being very persistent and/or lucky with epics almost all his equipment is made up from challenge and event items with a few pieces of named loot… The ToD set is very nice, but Im happy I found a way around it… This is not the ultimate setup and Id like more of everything, but it does cover all the bases and some of them are even covered twice…

    The worst thing about this is the 1.3 billion epic tokens it required… Thank goodness that is over and done with… Onward to the next… 🙂



    Excellent!! Thank you. I actually have a lot of the gear you guys refer to so it looks like I am off to a good start. Here is the complete breakdown.

    Helm – Cove Hat with Superior FL and +15 Haggle
    Gloves – Tinkers
    Bracers – Thaarak (toughness)
    Armor…ok ok…”armour” 😀 – Epic Dualist Leathers
    Goggles – Tinkers
    Trinket – TierIII Spyglass
    Boots – Cannith
    Ring 1 – Epic Ring of the Stalker
    Ring 2 – Epic Ring of the Bucaneer TierIII (The +2 luck bonus to skills is nice but this might go once I get my MinII Belt
    Belt – Heavy Fort…this sucks, I know but it is just a placeholder until I get the MinII belt finished.
    Necklace – Alchemist from Cannith +20hp and +6 Con

    TierIII Small Blade
    TierII Rapier of Air from Challenges
    +5 Holy Burst Rapier of Pure Good
    +5 Holy Burst SS of Pure Good
    +3 Banishing Rapier of PG
    +3 Banishing SS of Pure Good
    +3 Anarchic Burst Light Mace of Smiting
    +4 Seeker Shortsword of Smiting
    Envenomed Blade
    Coming soon….Mournlorde SS and Calomel Rapier.

    I have my GS Rapier RadII up to tier II and plan on getting that first, then the Min II Belt, then a triple Pos Rapier done. I suppose I could go with a light mace to bypass the DR but I don’t get the bonus to hit and damage that I get with the Rapier or SS as this is a Drow.

    Also…I have a UMD of 44 without the Rogue Skill Boost and I am considering getting some scrolls of Insightful Damage (Uses Int instead of Str for Damage) but that will be expensive. Might be worth it for big fights though considering my INT is 34. My Dex is a 36 but very few weapons use Dex for damage.


    I created Satarel as a true assassin (int based) to max out DC. With the upcoming changes to epic I guess this was a blunder but oh well.

    Here is what I’ve been using:
    Head – shroud HP
    Neck – Golden guile
    Trinket – treasure hunter spyglass (toughness in green slot)
    Cloak – rubbish for now. (Basically only using guild augment slot)
    Belt – spare hand (some overlap with finesse set but still ok.)
    ring1 – stalker
    ring2 – crafted false life/con6. Quite subject to change.
    Gloves – tinker gloves
    boots – cannith boots
    bracers – bracers of the claw. not bad but a bit wasted on alt. (fort/excep con2) – cannot complete set as messes with threat.
    armor – frozen tunic for now (ultimately want epic vulk fighting leathers)
    goggles – tinker goggles.

    Key weapons – epic midnight greetings / radiance kukri
    Various boss DR beaters.

    Note – I went with Kukri (slashing) to accommodate epic midnight greetings which itself was a bit nerfed while I was levelling and its main benefit (assassinate dc around 47) is worth less now anyway.

    I’m a bit locked in with slashing now so even if I reroll I’ll probably stay with Kukri/slashing. I’d imagine rapier/piercing would be the way to go otherwise. (Check out epic midnight greetings. Might be worth a look anyway).

    I’d say be sure to keep your threat generation in mind (treason/enhancements etc). Once rogues are in full swing (mob dependent) they can pull agro pretty easily which really screws with your dps.

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