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    Soon Kepperholt will have more then 8 in con! 😀
    Of course he will still be a 28 pointer, but he will have more hitpoints, hehe.
    Have a feeling it will go quicker to get from 15 to 20 and TR him, if I go pure healer till then. When I got back 2 days ago I had 115hp on him and have since then gotten to 225hp with +2 tome(yay for 6 year old cake), +6 con necklace that I got from Fain, +10 hp for 2k favor and greater false life item. With an increase to 14 con, I should start being respectable. I did the reaver with 140hp and they couldnt stop talking about me 😛

    He started as a two-weapon fighting battle cleric at launch and when level 10 was max, he was doing just fine with an 8 con, but that changed. I have 3 pure clerics now level 15, 16 & 16, So I guess thats enough 🙂


    HP is not all ( and it comes from a specialist at low HP chars in Epic Quests 😀 I can do epic quests [ only in guild though ] with a character that barely hits the 300 HP )

    Now I have to agree with all the CON fanatics, more constitution is good. ( up to a point )

    Between the launch and today things have changed a lot… The turning point was when they raised the cap to 20. Before that you could live with a dumped con on a non melele character, after that you had to put some points into con.

    Oh and in case you don’t know if you talk to Lockania in the Marketplace you can get a Free Feat Exchange from Fred.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by Flavia.

    Careful with Fred, better check twice when you respec before ending up like these players:


    06-25-2012, 11:53 PM
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    Respeccing through Fred is currently unavailable, but it’s something we hope to re-enable in the near future. We’ll let you know when Fred’s indigestion issues are resolved.


    On other news you also lose during LR feats granted by patron favor (Argo and Coin favor) plus any tomes you ingested prior:


    Favor: http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=4543606&postcount=45
    Tomes: http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=4543669&postcount=49


    I can’t even level up Karraway to 21 yet due to these bugs 🙁

    I want the cleave, great cleave and overwhelming critical feats, so i have to swap in cleave for one of my other current feats.

    With Fred being sick and the reincarnation being bugged I guess I’ll just have to wait and hope it get fixed in a patch or hotfix soon.


    If you mean the +10 hp feat from argo and tomes I know I still have both. Going to bed any second, so Ill check the threads tomorrow



    Im with Flav on HP – whilst having plenty is good, more doesnt always equal better.

    For example..

    I had a Barb that was well into the 800’s when raid buffed but he just couldnt stay alive unless he had a healer on him all the time.

    My Sorc on the other hand with half the hitpoints has little trouble in Epics (except eDQ – theres something about that raid that generally sees me ending up dead)

    As long as you get somewhere up near what is considered to be the minimum (300 on a divine?) then all will be well if you PuG (people can sometimes be victimised if their HP is too low)

    In guild runs your HP wont even be an issue.


    Hehe… Waiting for Legend to spot this one… 🙂

    Ryan said: In guild runs your HP wont even be an issue.


    haha 🙂 as someone with a few healers I think its unfair to expect someone to heal you in raids, epic and non-epic if you have less than 350 hps at level 20 because it requires one or more of these: change who you are targeting for healing several times which increases risks of some delays, lag, target problems, use sps to over-heal with cures to cover those who cannot wait till the next mass heal, use other resources like scrolls, use of potions when sps run low, raising dead people, rebuffing, healing people with death penalties etc etc 🙂 its like babysitting and also means the healer might not get time to fit in Divine punishment and other fun things that aren’t directly related to healing duties 🙂 I would recommend at least 400 hps at level 20.


    Got 304 now at level 16 without buffs, so I guess Im getting there 🙂

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