Home Forums Who’s Who! I am Wish!

  • This topic has 10 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Nath.
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    Hello Spellswords. I go by the name of Wish, not quite sure why though . . .

    Many of you have bumped into me on many a sucessful raid ( if it wassnt sucessful then you were with someone else), and you may rember the character names as being Wishing, Vyra, Volatile, Unorthodox, Bigguy, or Rakyer (many of the names are festooned with hyphens and numbers because my naming is not as original as I thought it was)

    I started playing 6 years ago and joined a static group in the process, the members tought me many useful things such as ‘never play a warforged’, shame I didn’t listen realy. Up untill a few weeks ago I was a member of Drunk ‘n’ Dangerous, though I quit my post of successor and started searching for pastures anew, or something like that anyway.

    In time I yielded to Dom’s harassment and joined the Spellswords (thats you).

    So . . . Hi . . .

    I solumnly promise not to fail (or atleast if I do, to blame Dom). Am I allowed in yet? 🙂


    Hehe u know there is a limit of how many people’s failures i can bare the blame for 😀

    Anyway i think my first raid with u was one of my first LoB Runs on Domend when he was even a Drow Elf back then. I am happy to see u here and hopefully u will have some great moments in our guild and u will enjoy playing the game.

    Welcome to our guild and u should know that u are by now required to join every raid is organized by me . At least if i am gonna take the blame for ur failures might aswell have some laughs with them in raids 🙂 🙂

    See u in game and have fun.


    Hello Wish

    I am Ryan and I love Warforged – I also run a fleshy (eugh!) L25 Cleric

    Please publicly declare that WF are great or keep your Cure Pots close by.

    Just kidding – welcome to the Spellswords, G-Lands finest guild.

    I look forward yo meeting you in game

    What Classes / races do you run btw?


    Hi Wish,

    And welcome to the ‘Swords… Sounds like you’ve met a few of our usual suspects already, and I hope you’ll find that the rest of us aren’t so bad either… 🙂

    See you in town…



    Welcome to the ‘swords, Wish. Im looking forward to your first run-in with our ge..I better not say it, as I dont want to spoil the, erhm, surprise 😀

    Looking forward to quest more with you, though 🙂


    Sorry I deleted your account without checking, I get spam registrations so usually switch it off. Please register again 🙂 I wont delete it again!


    Welcome aboard matey and LOL Nath for being the overzealous little arcane archer she is. Forgive her for shooting first and asking questions later hehe 🙂


    Welcome Wish

    Has anyone mentioned the gem tax?

    No… well im not surprised this lot are pretty lax

    Basically you send gems to me and i arrange through Turbine for a special increase in your loot drops

    Prove it you say… well image how poor your loot might be without my special loot buff as well as many other benefits

    Dozens of happy customers… well at least 2 and i havent bribed anyone to say that

    Welcome to the swords

    Vik (of the Moleskin clan)




    Vik Gem tax is soooo old, especially with all the gems that can be found in GH now.

    You should ask for Draco Rex Fossil bones. 😀



    Don’t worry Nath, there were plenty of shinnanigans for me when creating an account (Im on the 5th one now :o).

    As for what I play, you will offten find me on my tank (Vyra), my healer (Wishing), then I have a Monk/Rog in the shape of Rakyer, a WF rogue in Volatile, and a WF battle Clr (doom) called Unorthodox. I have a Battle Sorc, a proper sorc, and a necro stitting at around lvl 20 who dont get out much, and a mid-TR arti sitting at lvl 12 called Rakyar (creative I know)



    I remember Wishing now! 🙂   And big welcome 🙂 I have now changed your role to author so you can use the site as you wish 🙂 remember a profile pic!

    See you in game 🙂

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