Active 4 years, 6 months ago
Active 4 years, 6 months ago
Active 5 years, 6 months ago
Active 11 years, 6 months ago
Active 12 years, 2 months ago
Home › Forums › Tricks and Tactics › Too hot to handle
Hello all.
Some incoming changes:
Spotted the thread, and I’m no practiced Raid Healer, but for me I thought healing I think only gets testy and difficult in two situations:
1. Were all knocked down. We need some persistent AoE heals here to overcome the fact I’m sat on my ass not doing anything useful. Overlapping Consecrations would go a long way to keeping everyone alive at this point.
2. Line of Sight issues – Difficult to keep people healed when there’s no line of sight between levels, or even, people are out of range. So just a note to say don’t be waiting around for a heal if your running around the map, pop one yourself.
Bonus Note: Tank Healing – When it was needed, I just popped a Heal spell and it was done. I found Renewal to be redundant to be fair.
Otherwise I didn’t feel the need for the extra HP survivability from Unyielding Sentinal, because I was sat Shield-blocking and spamming Mass Cures in the pack when doing the boss fights and in the DPS race at the end. Which is a shame, because with Consecration running I could of been helping in the DPS Race instead.
Good afternoon, sry I have lots of to do at work and have a little time to come here.
I wasn’t in the raid but I assume you succeed.
What was the configuration?
1 or 2 healers?
Here is my opinion what I do when I run with you (should be K in 4 weeks I hope):
==> If 1 group with 1 healer, the tank MUST be in the healing AOE and we must have consecration in addition of the healing AOE (can be wall or aura).
In this configuration this is a bit harder to use frog and turn or other spell since you have to focus more on healing.
==> 2 healers 1 dedicated for tank + a little help on DPS and a DPS healer with a little help on the tank.
Here this is easier to kill the wraith since you have less healing pressure.
For raids (all):
As there are more and more range I always have cocoon and renewal active.
My devotion is between 950 and 1250 ‘depends on raid).
I always have empower heal quicken enlarge on.
An thing to keep in mind is that who have to be healed 1st and unfortunatly who can die.
Running together is a plus and really helpfull during raids.
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