Hi Guys,
With me having been away for so long, Im a little lost as to what gear I should be looking for my PM. I looked through the threads, but most of it seemed to talk about U19 and what was expected, but nothing concrete.
Current load out is:
Head: Minos
Goggles: Conc Opps
Trinket: epic spyglass
Neck: Alchemists pendant
Body: Epic robe of shadow
Cloak: Conc Opps
Belt: Rahkirs
Gloves: Gloves of the glacier
Bracers: Bracers of the glacier
Boots: Cannith Propulsion
Ring1: Rahkirs
Ring2: Epic Buccaneer
Weapon1: Epic Ornamented Dagger
Weapon2: Wizards Orb
Im sure there is a lot that can be changed, particularly the dagger… Any advice is appreciated.