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    Ive been dead set upon TRing my Bard into a Sorcerer.

    However, now that Im getting ever closer Im having second thoughts and thinking about going WF Wiz instead.

    The trouble is I cant decide between them now.

    As this will be my first 36 pointer I want to make sure I get it right.

    I already have 3 Sorcs, perhaps another is too many – but I was thinking of TRing Sun into a WF PM which frees up a slot..

    On the other hand my Sorcs feel a bit underpowered in FR – my capped one are Earth Savants btw. Perhaps Id have more success going Water on one?

    When my current TR Sorc was a Wiz AM I had great fun CCing with him, however I remember being extremely frustrated with his Instas not landing. Looking back it may have been a SR issue as Im sure I didnt build it in..

    So, Im equally tempted by each.

    I remember being frustrated by lack of SP on my AM, exacerbated by the lack of decent offensive SLSs. This time round however I have geared myself and will have lots of SP (large slot, ioun stone, GS etc). However on a Sorc I will have even more at my disposal as a result.

    This one may well not get TR’d again as one 36 point journey to cap may be emore than enough so another factor is that a Sorc with no caster past lives is a better endgame runner than a Wiz of the same heritage BUT my own 1st life PM seems to do OK

    I truly just dont know what to do

    Any thoughts that may help me decide would be most welcome


    At first I would have suggested to go the ice sorc route, but seeing you have so many already I am confused and not sure what to suggest for you. I would keep the bard in your place since he is completely different and choose one of the sorc (maybe the gimpy one?) for some improvement. This is the best I could come up with mate 😀



    Hello Cat,

    thank you for the reply.

    Gimpy Sorcerer? Blasphemy!! Lol.

    Sun and Day are both Earth Savants which are reputedly the weakest of the endgame Savant line. I like the Earth Savant as the Earth Grab is handy and being Conj specced my webs have at least a sporting chance of working (my theory is a bit of CC is better than no CC at all)

    I never really considered keeping my Bard as he is – but now you mention it, perhaps I should.

    It would require a change of plan and shuffle around of my alts.

    I could keep my Bard, respec Sun into a Farmer by switching him to Water Savant, secondary Force with a splash of Acid.
    Day continues to be my Endgame leveller
    8trax (my PM and current farmer) preps for TR into another PM

    That could work. I shall give it some thought.


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