


Where do you live?

South Africa

What do you do in your daily life?

Animal Welfare and Advertising

How long have you been playing DDO?

5+ years

Why are you a Spellsword? How did you end up in The Spellswords?

I become one because Lord Khaan became part of SS. I love it here and I am proud to be a member!

Do you also play DnD tabletop, other PRG games, LARPing etc?

I play other RPG games, never played DnD tabletop unfortunately!

Who are your primary characters?

Jasinn Natael lvl 20 Artificer
Khessa Khan lvl 20 Wizard
Legenddruss lvl 20 Fighter, lvl 21 Paladin

More about yourself, DDO, your characters, friends, hobbies etc.

I am a huge book fan. Fantasy and Sci-fi FTW! I play quite a lot of games, but tend to be a slight mix between casual and hardcore gamer. I love animals, work at an animal shelter and train dogs in my free time. I’m in advertising and am trying very hard to get out of the industry.

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