

Paul Buxton

Where do you live?

Derby, UK

What do you do in your daily life?

Mess around with Crystal Reports and SQL

How long have you been playing DDO?

Played for 2 years then had a 3 year break (values are approximate, my memory isn't great)

Why are you a Spellsword? How did you end up in The Spellswords?

Friend of Lightnning and Legend, Was in Knights of the Phoenix and Avenging Demons with them.

Do you also play DnD tabletop, other PRG games, LARPing etc?

Not played D&D tabletop for years but have fond memories.

Who are your primary characters?

At the moment it’s Argante. Didn’t transfer my account when I needed to as I wasn’t playing so having to start from scratch.

More about yourself, DDO, your characters, friends, hobbies etc.

Not much more to tell. Looking forward to seeing the end-game raiding content.

Your Status

friend of the spellswords

Display name on this site (nickname)
