

Mike Lowery

Where do you live?

Bexley, Kent

What do you do in your daily life?

Bank Manager

How long have you been playing DDO?

3 months

Why are you a Spellsword? How did you end up in The Spellswords?

Friend of Colin’s.

Do you also play DnD tabletop, other PRG games, LARPing etc?

DnD since white box set

Who are your primary characters?

Primary:- Cerlyn;
Alts:- Cerleaf; Cersing; Cermage; Ceraid

More about yourself, DDO, your characters, friends, hobbies etc.

Long time role player
Seduced to the dark side with MTG for 10 years.
Have played EQ, WoW, LOTRO and now DDO. Originally put off DDO as it was based in Eberron which I disliked as a campaign world.

Your Status

New member

Display name on this site (nickname)
