• Ryan replied to the topic Who are you again? in the forum General 2 years, 3 months ago

    I’ll come along as I think football is utter rubbish

  • Xutharion replied to the topic Who are you again? in the forum General 3 years, 10 months ago

    Hi everyone, I’m Federico.
    I’m back from limbo (and few reincarnations), so I’ll try to stay more active in guild.

    My main is Xutharion.
    I have many other in guild, but actually I only actively play my main.
    Other alts are:

  • What with my recent break and now messing about with Racials, Corazon is so far behind the Epic curve it’s embarrassing.

    One day I will stop perpetually levelling, find a build I like and then join something like this.

  • Ryan and Profile picture of LegendLegend are now friends 4 years, 10 months ago

  • ALC better be good as I’ve got three lives to do.
    Let us hope they’ll be as OP/ powerful as the original ES Warlock

  • I’ve just had a look at the DDO forum and there’s a lot of salty people over these changes.

    Admittedly I’ve hardly played DDO these past few months, but I’ve never been an endgame player so a lot of the changes don’t bother me, in fact, if I’m honest, none of the changes bother me at all.

    One change however (if I read it correctly) that made me…[Read more]

  • Ryan replied to the topic Spellsword forum in the forum General 5 years, 3 months ago

    Only just saw this.

    I’m glad you’re finally getting donations in for this having suggested it in the past.

    I’ll give you a tenner if you can send me a link.

    Just so everyone knows, I’m not the one who yelled at Jan 😃

  • Ryan replied to the topic Reaper Warlock in the forum Creative Corner 5 years, 4 months ago

    Antonis’s DC Lock was very useful in Sharn highish Reapers. If you can get hold of him he may be able to advise.

    My own DC Lock was OK in Ravenloft High Reaps but not in Sharn – I was sick of Warlocks by that time and didn’t bother gearing him to see what DCs I could get.

    I can’t comment on Sorcs as my own L23 seems a bit underwhelming at the…[Read more]

  • I’m thinking along the same lines as Seb with regards to effective DC’s and DPS.

    Both are very feat and gear dependent and you could end up being just mediocre at both.

    That being said, in my mind, as long as you’re having fun and contributing something no matter how big or small then that’s all that counts.

  • Ryan replied to the topic Ranger gear in the forum Creative Corner 5 years, 8 months ago

    This is a very useful post to help me gear up my Tempest because as per the norm every melee toon I make ends up being sub standard in every possible way.
    Now I have something to work with.

  • The Inquisitive tree is such a versatile tree that it would be hard to go wrong. However, as others have said, I think you’re better off in the mechanic tree than assassin. Also, I second the idea of Gnome as the race. Every point of int will count.

    One side note…

    If you are looking to get the most ranged power, then don’t forget that tier…[Read more]

  • Ryan replied to the topic DDO news in the forum General 5 years, 10 months ago

    The only benefit I see for me personally is that I would be able to cast Rez scrolls during a near wipe.

    It’s very rare that players come close to running out of SP that they need to turn quicken off.

    Being Devils advocate…..

    Maybe it’s of more benefit for scroll healing mid-fight in Heroics, but in Epics, if a player is scroll healing…[Read more]

  • Ryan replied to the topic Tr plan in the forum Creative Corner 5 years, 10 months ago

    In game voice is really bad.

    Switch to Discord and you will be pleasently surprised.

    As the healer don’t be afraid to boss people about.
    It’s often a stressful, thankless role that no-one wants to do themselves so they can either follow your instructions or heal themselves.

  • Ryan replied to the topic Tr plan in the forum Creative Corner 5 years, 10 months ago

    Seb, I don’t remember if I have ran with you so I will ask if you use voice?

    From my own experience as a raid healer back in the day, being able to talk is is going to help you a lot.

    Being able to give instantaneous updates on how you’re going to heal, whom you’re massing on, who’s out of range or even telling everyone just to group up and stop…[Read more]

  • Ryan replied to the topic Tr plan in the forum Creative Corner 5 years, 10 months ago

    For speed I would say Sorcs.

    My main is a Warlock and my DPS is nowhere near the DPS of a Sorc that is spamming spell rotations.

  • Cheers for the replies.

    He is already L29 and tbh I cant be bothered to LR him. He’s just a time filler whislt Corazon is stuck in Heroics getting some more Racials.

    He will most likely only ever run R3, maybe 4.

    I’ll just have to accept that he’ll never had good dps, but as long as hes doing some healing with aura and bursts, doing some melee…[Read more]

  • Hello all

    I’ve dusted off Nannabot so I can have an Alt permanently at 30. He is a “for fun” only alt

    He is a first life, zero past lives Cleric 15, Pally 3, Ftr 2 multiclass, THF with Nightmother Falchion built to play front line melee, non-tanking aura healer.
    I have no idea what Domain he is, but he can cast Displace if thats any…[Read more]

  • Ryan replied to the topic Tr plan in the forum Creative Corner 5 years, 11 months ago

    Im pretty sure its higher than 110 as well.

    I think I could reach either 110 or 112 Necro on my DC Lock (not 100% sure as its been a while since I ran at cap) and that definately wasnt enough for no fail on everything.

    Edit added…i think its more likely that my DC was 110

  • Ryan replied to the topic Tr plan in the forum Creative Corner 5 years, 11 months ago

    I wouldnt stress over not being able to heal (Harm) PMs.

    Most PMs quest knowing that they arent going to get any support and play accordingly.

    Also any decent DC caster is going to be…
    A) very situationally aware and keep themselves out of trouble
    B) will layer their CC
    C) has plenty of single target Instas and CC to deal with any mob that…[Read more]

  • I shall be looking at getting the racial for Tiefling.

    I decided I would go with a pure DC Lock as I havent run a Warlock build for at least 17 hours and Im missing it a bit.

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