MIDWICKET started the topic Returning Player needs help in the forum General 4 years, 11 months ago
My friends I need your help.
I played the game just after start up, I think it was 2006.
I stopped playing many years later, say in 2012, then I came back to play 5 years ago for a couple of years then stopped again.I am back now but things are different.
I am now teaching my daughter to play.
I am blind and playing, is as you can imagine…[Read more] -
MIDWICKET replied to the topic Low level loot in the forum Guild Vault 10 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for the links.
I know more than I did but still feel confused.
It will make more sense when I start crafting myself.A couple of quick questions if Someone does want to craft something for me.
What is the lowest level I can use a crafted paralysing longbow?That was the best thing I crafter before I stopped playing.
It was great for my…[
MIDWICKET replied to the topic THE OLDEST NEW MEMBER in the forum General 10 years, 7 months ago
MIDWICKET is now a level 4 ranger and Thirdman is now a level 4 wizard.
If anyone has any equipment you do not need for level 4’s please let me know.
Happy to send it back later if you want.Many thanks,
MIDWICKET replied to the topic Low level loot in the forum Guild Vault 10 years, 7 months ago
Can you tell me more about canith crafting.
I never got to grips with it before I stopped playing last time.
MIDWICKET started the topic Low level loot in the forum Guild Vault 10 years, 8 months ago
A bit of a long shot, but does anyone have any low level loot they do not need?
I am just starting out so have 2 level 2 characters.
So anything you have would be most useful.Many thanks.
MIDWICKET replied to the topic Contest – Name our Guild Ship in the forum General 10 years, 8 months ago
Eyebiter is my favourite name I have read on DDO, so I say the STS Eyebiter.
MIDWICKET started the topic THE OLDEST NEW MEMBER in the forum General 10 years, 8 months ago
Evening Officer,
I am the oldest new member.I was in Spellswords way back on the old DDO-Europe servers.
I was a minor member, I think I did a couple of VON Raids with guild members, but I definitely did endless MuckBane runs with you all.
I recently realised something was missing in my life and thought it might be DDO.
So thought I would give…[
MIDWICKET changed their profile picture 10 years, 8 months ago