Molkire started the topic "endgame" gear planner in the forum Tricks and Tactics 5 years, 6 months ago
Hey everyone, I’ve updated the spreadsheet with named gear with the current “endgame” gear available, up to update 43 (that is coming soon).
Suggestions, bugs, criticism, kind regards and salutations are welcome.
once you have chosen some of the gear for an equipment slot, you can hide the rest of the rows in that category so the list…[Read more] -
Molkire replied to the topic Who are you again? in the forum General 6 years, 5 months ago
Molkire-1___________In guild
Outta-1_____________In guildMaulkir
Tumbling-1________Not in guild
MetkaAnother 14 on Thelanis, of them Nyhyl and Srachka at 30 in…[Read more]
Molkire started the topic Gear for Nihila in the forum General 6 years, 5 months ago
Am I missing big obvious things in the following setup?
Nihila is a 13rog/5bard/2ftr PDK swashbuckler with CHA to hit and damage for shortswords.
melee speed/doublestrike/crits/Sneak attacksGear setup so far i came up with:
thank you 🙂
Molkire replied to the topic Molkire build help in the forum General 6 years, 5 months ago
Current enhancements:
https://photos.app.goo.gl/gw2ZQXHNsEhLWsso7 -
Molkire replied to the topic Molkire build help in the forum General 6 years, 5 months ago
Generally speaking…
Relying mostly on sneak attacks for damage.
DEX basedAC is 176 usually, dodge about 38, PRR and MRR are a shameful secret until i can come up with endgame gear setup
wizard level for the improved mage armor and shield and protection from evil
Lots of optimizations are possible perhaps for the leveling up.I’m looking…[Read more]
Molkire started the topic Molkire build help in the forum General 6 years, 5 months ago
Molkire-1 Leonars
Level 30 Lawful Good Aasimar Male
(6 Monk / 13 Rogue / 1 Wizard / 10 Epic)
Hit Points: 470
Spell Points: 180BAB: 13/13/18/23
Fortitude: 15
Reflex: 23
Will: 18Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats
(36 Point) (Level 1) (Level 30)…[
Molkire changed their profile picture 6 years, 8 months ago
Molkire started the topic Some Excel help with Ravenloft planning in the forum Tricks and Tactics 7 years, 2 months ago
I have made a somewhat nifty Excel spreadsheet to help with planning your Ravenloft set
Here is a Google Sheet link to the file to view, I think you can also download it from there.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HjVkgRFjtDPUUNABvHHXjXCUAou-_OvygIQWVncinsc/edit?usp=sharingHere is a Microsoft OneDrive…[Read more]
Molkire replied to the topic Epic raids Fri 6 Oct @ 7:30 in the forum Guild Diary 7 years, 5 months ago
Good morning. Signing up with my twentysixer Nihila or thirtietist Kique if needed.
Molkire started the topic Gear for Kique-2 in the forum General 7 years, 6 months ago
This is a pure rogue, INT based build, using repeaters. For the pewpewpew effect.
For that reason, no doubleshot is needed, as it hogs too much APs and items and such to raise to a meaningful level. Instead using assassin’s mark, improved deception, strategic distancing, mischievous ledge-finding et cetera, to accopmlish fast sneak…[Read more] -
Molkire started the topic Gear for Kique-2 in the forum General 7 years, 6 months ago
This is a pure rogue, INT based build, using repeaters. For the pewpewpew effect.
For that reason, no doubleshot is needed, as it hogs too much APs and items and such to raise to a meaningful level. Instead using assassin’s mark, improved deception, strategic distancing, mischievous ledge-finding et cetera, to accopmlish fast sneak…[Read more] -
Molkire started the topic Gear for Kique-2 in the forum General 7 years, 6 months ago
This is a pure rogue, INT based build, using repeaters. For the pewpewpew effect.
For that reason, no doubleshot is needed, as it hogs too much APs and items and such to raise to a meaningful level. Instead using assassin’s mark, improved deception, strategic distancing, mischievous ledge-finding et cetera, to accopmlish fast sneak…[Read more] -
Molkire started the topic Gear for Kique-2 in the forum General 7 years, 6 months ago
This is a pure rogue, INT based build, using repeaters. For the pewpewpew effect.
For that reason, no doubleshot is needed, as it hogs too much APs and items and such to raise to a meaningful level. Instead using assassin’s mark, improved deception, strategic distancing, mischievous ledge-finding et cetera, to accopmlish fast sneak…[Read more] -
Molkire started the topic Gear for Kique-2 in the forum General 7 years, 6 months ago
This is a pure rogue, INT based build, using repeaters. For the pewpewpew effect.
For that reason, no doubleshot is needed, as it hogs too much APs and items and such to raise to a meaningful level. Instead using assassin’s mark, improved deception, strategic distancing, mischievous ledge-finding et cetera, to accopmlish fast sneak…[Read more] -
Molkire started the topic Hello from Molkire in the forum Who's Who! 7 years, 6 months ago
Hello everyone. Been what? Two weeks? Feels like more. You people are the reason I play this game. The community of grown-up kids, each with its own weird quirks, (and of course all the officers with none of those :P).
I felt very welcome and I thank you again for that.
Now about me.
Fat Bulgarian. Working a (potentially) deadly job in…[Read more]