Ispepxam replied to the topic Spellsword forum in the forum General 4 years ago
I’ve donated some funds just now. IspepXam
Ispepxam replied to the topic Polished Ore in the forum General 7 years ago
Hi Ryan,
Sent some to Corazonroto by in-game mail for you. No need to return any.
Ispep, Jimmy -
Ispepxam replied to the topic 1440 monitors in the forum General 7 years ago
Same as the other chaps I run DDO at 2560×1440 and it’s nice because of all the extra space it gives me to see the game without hotbars, etc. in the way.
Having the second monitor for Teamspeak, DDO wiki and spellswords forum is also nice if your budget can stretch to twin monitors
I’d love to show you a screenshot of my game screen, but…[Read more]
Ispepxam changed their profile picture 7 years ago
Ispepxam's profile was updated 7 years ago
Ispepxam replied to the topic Sat / Sun early morning dailies in the forum Guild Diary 7 years ago
Being a regular who joins these weekend dailies I would encourage anyone who is on to join Ryan.
These are relaxed and fun groups with no pressure on anyone. Nice change of pace from the higher difficulties
and a great source of xp without any stress.
Ispep, Jimmy
Ispepxam replied to the topic Friday evening Epic Raids Dec 29 at 7:30 UK in the forum Guild Diary 7 years ago
No flagging required for Baba raid
Ispepxam replied to the topic New PC build (Self-Build) in the forum General 7 years ago
It took longer than expected, but I’m back in operation again.
Ryan, according to my wife it’s a few hundred pounds. I’m so lucky to have her
Unfortunately Lisa, I’ll be holding on to the PC – I need to check my emails somehow ;P
See you all in game
Ispep, Jimmy -
Ispepxam started the topic New PC build (Self-Build) in the forum General 7 years ago
Hi ‘swords.
Over the next few days I’ll be building my latest PC which will mean I’m on the game even less than normal. I may not even get my weekend morning questing with the early risers!Subject to the usual issues of getting everything set up once the basic build is complete and all my software installed, I’m hoping to be back online again by…[Read more]
Ispepxam replied to the topic Epic raid Tues 14 Nov @ 7:30 uk time in the forum Guild Diary 7 years ago
Signing up – Cancel that. Have been put on Dad’s taxi duty. Sigh
Ispepxam replied to the topic Epic raid Tues 14 Nov @ 7:30 uk time in the forum Guild Diary 7 years ago
Signing up
Ispepxam replied to the topic Maul for crafting in the forum Crafting Forum 7 years ago
A huge thank you to Nihila for sending me a maul. Sorry I don’t know who’s toon that is but please let me know if there’s anything you need and I’ll be happy to help.
Ispep, Jimmy -
Ispepxam started the topic Maul for crafting in the forum Crafting Forum 7 years ago
Hi guildies,
If anyone comes across an Adamantine Maul on their adventures I would be very interested in a trade.
I’m looking for one in my own quest stash and AH so that I can craft something suitable for my THF cleric.
Thanks, Ispep (Jimmy) -
Ispepxam replied to the topic Tuesday Raids 10 Oct at 7:30 UK in the forum Guild Diary 7 years ago
Signing up.
Ispepxam replied to the topic Saturday evening raids 07 Oct at 7:30 UK in the forum Guild Diary 7 years ago
Can join for velah and peaks, but not flagged for MoD. Feel free to give spot to someone who can do all raids…
Ispepxam replied to the topic Epic raids Fri 25 Aug @ 7:30 in the forum Guild Diary 8 years ago
I should be home in time for these.
Please keep instructions called out since I’m a complete noob in most of them having only completed them a few times each. I follow the pack unless given other guidance
Ispepxam replied to the topic Epic raids for Fri 18 Aug @ 7:30 in the forum Guild Diary 8 years ago
For once I should be available to join
Ispepxam replied to the topic TWF Advice in the forum General 8 years ago
Thanks for feedback Jan. I’ll take a look at this and an INT based one I came across on the DDO Forums before I commit to anything.
I’ll probably do some higher level gear farming first before I TR based on the gear I’ve got available and some threads in this forum I’ve seen.
Jimmy -
Ispepxam started the topic TWF Advice in the forum General 8 years ago
Hi Guildies. Time for another question from Ispep clan.
I have recently got my third toon to lvl cap and I want to TR it into a TWF build and I’m looking for suggestions (links on DDO forums?) for a good DPS build that I can take from level 1-30.
I’ll say up front that my choice of TWF is purely a flavour choice and I’m not looking for a super…[Read more]
Ispepxam started the topic TWF Advice in the forum General 8 years ago
Hi Guildies. Time for another question from Ispep clan.
I have recently got my third toon to lvl cap and I want to TR it into a TWF build and I’m looking for suggestions (links on DDO forums?) for a good DPS build that I can take from level 1-30.
I’ll say up front that my choice of TWF is purely a flavour choice and I’m not looking for a super…[Read more]
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