• Sirac replied to the topic Elder scrolls on line in the forum General 10 years, 10 months ago

    Hey all,

    Just hoping I could ask a favour. Could any of you playing ESO, especially on the US server, PLEASE create an alt on the Euro server and join a guild for me. Having a real pain with inventory management, and having my own private guild bank with 500 slots would be a huge help! So just trying to get people I know to use 1 of their guild…[Read more]

  • Sirac replied to the topic Elder scrolls on line in the forum General 10 years, 11 months ago

    Heya folks,

    So anyone who has the 5 days early access, looks like it is confirmed for midday release UK time (12:00) this Sunday! 🙂

    And a reminder about the voice chat server you’re all welcome to use and pop on to say hello! 🙂

    Just go to http://www.mumble.com

    Download the latest client.

    And the server info is, when trying to connect:…[Read more]

  • Sirac replied to the topic Elder scrolls on line in the forum General 11 years, 1 month ago

    K, gone from having reservations to being completely hooked this weekend. Really looking forward to release now.

    So anyone still around from the early days of the ‘swords who wants to meet up in ESO, I am going to create a Spellswords guild on the Euro server. It will be a small guild for friends and people who’ve known each other of old from…[Read more]

  • Sirac replied to the topic Elder scrolls on line in the forum General 11 years, 1 month ago

    Hey all, just popping in with a quick hullo. And to say will be playing Ebonheart pact this weekend…Sirac and Yllaria are the character names. So anyone else with that Alliance, feel free to give us a shout in game. 🙂

    And anyone from last beta, don’t be caught out, update your launcher tonight. HUGE download, taken several hours here to get it…[Read more]

  • Hey all,

    Just cos I said here that I would be setting up a Spellswords guild for ESO…this is just to say I probably wont. 🙂

    Definitely planning to play the game, and hoping to be playing for a long time. But I am most likely to just create a small guild for friends at the very most, and will only be a guild insofar as a place for people I…[Read more]

  • Sirac replied to the topic Elder scrolls on line in the forum General 11 years, 2 months ago

    Hey Vik, and all!

    Yea Sol and I will be there this weekend. But only Saturday and Sunday eve…and maybe bits and pieces during the day Sunday. Will post here when decided what faction to play. 🙂



  • Hey all,

    Am unlikely to create a guild in ESO until a release date announced, and am sure can spend enough time towards doing it properly. But atm, definitely my intention to.

    Have given up on Neverwinter. […]

  • Sure Cat will do, definitely wont be starting a guild in Neverwinter, dont think it will have the longevity for me to invest that heavily in it. But ESO looks likely atm, and will definitely be playing Neverwinter […]

  • Hey all, bored at work so popped by here, and saw this topic.

    Few things, Sol and I will definitely be playing ESO. Been following it closely, and it looks like the next big MMO for us.

    It definitely does […]

  • Sirac replied to the topic Hullo! in the forum General 12 years, 5 months ago

    Hey Sylv! 🙂

    Afraid Neverwinter not out yet. Sorry if misleading above, doesnt come out til end of year supposedly…wouldnt be at all surprised if more like early 2013.



  • Sirac replied to the topic Hullo! in the forum General 12 years, 5 months ago

    Hey Flav,

    Will definitely check back then. 🙂

    And yea NWN2 was such a letdown after the original. tbh Neverwinter wasnt really on my radar at all, I’d written it off cos of the 4th edition thing, and trading […]

  • Sirac started the topic Hullo! in the forum General 12 years, 5 months ago

    A big HULLOOOOoooo to any that remember me.
    Dual reason for popping by, firstly I was avoiding work and browsing the site, and saw Flavia’s memories thread. Really loved seeing some of those old piccies, so wanted […]

  • Sirac became a registered member 12 years, 5 months ago